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miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

¿Se puede regresar de la muerte? Una odontóloga asegura que sí se puede

Aseguran que se puede regresa de la muerte

Un mujer colombiana viaja por el mundo narrando su experiencia y asegurando que estuvo en el cielo y en el infierno.


Gloria Polo asegura haber muerto y está convencida de que el cielo y el infierno son reales porque dice que visitó ambos lugares. Ella asegura que todo sucedió durante una tormenta en mayo de 1995 mientras se encontraba con su sobrino y cuando un rayo los impactó, matándolos en el acto. Según ella, los millones de voltios del rayo destrozaron casi todos sus órganos internos dejándola muerta por al menos tres horas. Fue allí donde asegura que tuvo una experiencia sobrenatural.


Mira el video: Odontóloga hispana asegura que fue al cielo y al infierno


Primero, Gloria revela que entró al cielo, que consistía de una luz con un jardín con flores, agua y praderas, pero que no puedo quedarse y fue enviada al infierno. Allí dice que escuchó rugidos Fuertes y un torbellino que la succionaba junto a muchos demonios halándola. Luego describe una voz que le habló y que la envió de regreso a la vida.


Mira también este video: Existe la vida después de la muerte, según experta


Para Gloria, la experiencia le ha cambiado la vida y quiere que el mundo entero se entere. Para otros, su experiencia pudo haber sido un sueño profundo del inconsciente y no una muerte física como ella piensa, tal como revelan varios expertos en el video arriba mencionado.


Sea usted el juez.


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Estados Unidos cataloga nuestra escuela como una de las mejores 10 de Puerto Rico

by: http://www.top10usaschool.com/

JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS is one of the top 10 schools of Puerto Rico. School is Regular school run by well-known Agency PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION in the city COAMO, the agency also run some other schools in the county COAMO MUNICIPIO.   Is a High school for pupils aged 3 to 19 and offers a first class education. JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS is Fringe Town type school by location.  School offered lowest grade is – 10 and High Grade is – 12.Principal of school is appointed by the agency PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Results consistently show it one of the highest achieving schools in the USA. In the recently published School League tables, JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS was ranked one of the highest Independent School  In COAMO for results.  JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS is full of motivated, happy pupils who are doing just that. Sharing with parents in the guiding and development of young lives is a privilege we value highly.
JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS can really make a difference to your child’s education and that we can give him or her the best possible start in life. School is in 18.1 Acres area, In the beautiful town COAMO. JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS is the High school. Institute offer JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS scholarship programs for students.
Male – Female Ratio in JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS
The school is administered by PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION agency. JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS USA is well known academy in COAMO MUNICIPIO.  School staff is from while some of them from outside of town.
Accommodation in School hostel is Cheap and better, However in the town COAMO environment and society is ok. Boarding JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS Accommodation is close to the  center  of COAMO, one of the USA’s most exciting cities. We welcome both day and boarding pupils. Why not Call +1 787-825-5911 and find out what we have latest to offer. 
Alumni associations is mainly organized around JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS but may also be organized among students that studied here. In the past, they are considered to be the school’s old boy society (or old boy’s network). Today, alumni associations involve graduates of all age groups and demographics. Alumni associations are often organized into chapters by CALLE 19 EXT. JARDINES DE COAM COAMO.
Ofsted Report Card of JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS
Overall effectiveness
Achievement and standards
Personal development and well-being
The quality of provision
Leadership and management

Football, Baseball, Basketball, Choir, Softball and Band.
JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS students actively takes part in sports and athletics like Football, baseball, wrestling and basketball. School JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS is Regular school type school and it has its Musical band which actively appears in various sports competitions as a cheer leading.

Football, Baseball, Track and Field and Basketball
School actively takes part in various sports (football, baseball & Basketball) competitions organised in county and state PR.  JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS baseball team is well known sports team in the COAMO. School have two teams for every game one of juniors and one of seniors. Basketball is Famous Game among students of JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS COAMO.

Band and cheer leading
Music band of school actively plays on different functions in the school JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS, and do cheer leading in the games in COAMO. There are 2 bands in school juniors and seniors. Actually the school has a concert band and they make concerts in different activities like graduations, honor society day, ect.

JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS Reviews & Ranking

Reviews about various criteria of JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS School is collected from different Sources. Total people involved in reviews are 136, Reviews are taken in accordance of Life style, Faculty, Environment and society of school. People Rated out Different qualities of the JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS out of 5 stars. Overall review and ranking score of this school is 5 Stars out of 5 Stars. JOSE FELIPE ZAYAS Ranking is done on the basis of this data.